
Watching the Meadow

3/31/09 Zimectrin Gold

So it's Elle's first week at her new place and we both seem to love it. There's a few things I would change (duh) but you can't find a perfect boarding place and this seems to make me happy. I've been up every day, which is something new for me!

I had my first ride on her yesterday, after she had been there for 3 days. She was good! I rode in the indoor and Jackey was there with me. It started off great (she's FINALLY figuring out the whole stand-while-I-mount thing), and then went kind of blah - no responses. So, Jackey had me doing the "ask, suggest, tell" method where I ask with my leg with the pressure I'd like to ask with, suggest with my voice, tell by popping her on the bum in a 1,2,3,4 rhythm until she moved a little quicker. It worked really well, I was happy. She's getting it. I'll see what happens when I'm there alone tonight.