
Getting there

Rode Elle last night, I got out there around 6:30pm and we both had the sweat running off of us. It wasn't so bad that I couldn't change into breeches, though, so I tacked up and headed into the indoor. The footing is a little softer inside, plus there were lessons going on in the outdoor and it's really dusty out there.

Elle hasn't been worked consistently at ALL in the last week and a half, because of the leg (which looked good, if a tiny bit swollen), so I wasn't really sure what to expect. What I got at the beginning were spooks by one of the doors! Crazy Elle. We worked through that, it took about 8-10 passes before she was completely fine down there (only spooking in one direction). She's cool, though, because she doesn't get hot just because she's spooky in a place.

Lots of trots, lots of canters, not as many transitions or circles as normal. She took what Jackey thought were a few weird steps (we were kind of looking for the worst!), so we did some small circles and then some canter-trot-canter transitions, and she was completely sound, so whatever. After she worked for about 1/2 hour, I called it a day and hosed her off really well. Going up tonight to ride and hose and scrub, and then tomorrow I have my first lesson in a LOOOONGGG time! Nuts!

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