
Got my ass in gear on Monday night after the trailering (er, non-trailering) debacle and rode. Rode hard, for 45 minutes. We were both sweaty and tired after the long day and long sessions.

I couldn't get her settled down, but my position felt like dogshit, too. When I say she was unsettled, I DON'T mean that she was bad. She really wasn't. We were riding in the dusk, with no lights on, and she didn't look at anything. She didn't kick or buck, and she was very receptive to leg. But I was in that mode where I didn't feel comfortable, and she felt TOO forward, so I took my legs off. I forgot until the very end how good it feels to put your leg ON when they feel fresh. Just leg, not spur.

Finally, at the end of the ride (which consisted of minimal walking, lots of trotting, and lots of cantering - circles, that is), things felt ok. Not great, but ok. Again, I've got to repeat, she really wasn't being disrespectful, she was actually giving me a lot of what I've been asking for. I was just feeling chicken I guess? That I Can't Get Deep In My Seat-My Stirrups Feel Too Long-I'm Going To Lay Up Your Neck-And Have A Death Grip On Your Mouth feeling. K.O. pointed out that my saddle isn't doing me any favors...brings me down to my next quest, a different saddle.

Tally ho, time to go ride.

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