

Got up to the barn tonight after a long day (fighting with Matt and then spending time with my family raises my stress level to about an 8), and I was looking forward to a nice, long ride on the flat.

Went to pick out her feet and her RH leg was swollen. Not at the back, or on the inside, or in the joint, but on the outside. This, in fibrous tissue language, relates to: the suspensory, the check ligament, and the digital deep flexor tendon. In bone talk, the splint bone.

She was also off. Not head bobbing, not even SUPER off, just...not right. The leg, though, is not mushy or hot, it's pretty firm, but there is a definite bulge on the side of her leg.

So, cold hosed for 20 minutes, and then ended up wrapping all 4 legs, the "bad" one with Kool Out Clay. I didn't want to leave it alone, but I didn't feel comfortable sweating it with Furazone, either, until I did more research on that.

I'll be out in the morning to see what I've got. My theory is that she hit it on something, although I'm not sure how. I've learned from these years with horses though, that sometimes (most of the time) it's better NOT to ask how.

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