
9/22: Monday

After riding both days of the weekend (plus Friday), I had a splitting headache on Monday. The old me would have just called to cancel, but I'm excited about working with Elle and getting her back to where she should be. So, I went down to the barn anyway and asked Mike if he would mind just working with her today - I thought I would be sick if I had to post!

He started her off at a canter, which was what was necessary to get a good walk out of her. After she rolled a little bit, he did some really good work at all 3 gaits and she looked happy. He worked with the whip with her, tapping her when she needed it and getting it so that legs and reins asked for straight and the whip was what was asking for forward. She seemed to get it and didn't cut in the corners.

I asked him what would happen if he used the whip at the canter - that's one of my fears ever since I convinced myself that was one of the original reasons she bucked. His answer? "Let's find out!" So off at a canter they went, and he tapped her butt with the whip in the same rhythm her stride had. What did she offer? More forward. BUT I think one of the keys was, she was already in front of his leg, and who has time to buck when you're going forward? Also, his reins were loose enough that he was giving her somewhere to go - that's one of my main bad habits. I tend to grab the reins back and ask her to go faster all at once - I can see how this would be confusing!! But it's getting better.

He rode her for a good 45 minutes and then we called it quits because it was starting to rain and he was on bring in duty. Before he went in, though, he took of the saddle and got on her bareback because I had asked him about that on a different day. He says he doubts she's ever been ridden like that, but she was good about it. She didn't balk or get weird when he got on, but he was very quiet on her, too. He says if we take that part slow, there's no reason she can't be ridden bareback. It's just a MUCH closer feel for her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hauling back on the reins and asking for forward?! Who does that? Oh that right I DO! Gotta love Monkey and Harley though.